Sunday, October 31, 2010

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PLU PLU POS POS Planning Architect

Do I need to architect for my building permit? Is it compulsory and in what circumstances? Conselia helps individuals the professionals and communities understand the POS the PLU and their impact on obtaining the building permit , its validity , the constitution of record, the statement times and allowed Reform . To file an appeal against a permit or manage the case brought against yours, to determine the tax Planning (TLE , PVR , TAR), to calculate the knowledge and SHOB SHON based SOC, obtain a planning certificate operational For download the forms Planning models and billboards , understanding emption Urban the transfer building permit, the BIA the LME , get free advice by asking a question or use a professional to solve a problem of urban : visit our site .

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What can I do if I file a claim against my Building Permit? What risuqes s I build for myself anyway ? Conselia helps individuals the professionals and communities understand the POS the PLU and their impact on obtaining the building permit , its validity , constitution the folder the times instruction permit and amending . To file an appeal against a permit or manage the case brought against yours, to determine the tax Planning (TLE , PVR , TAR), to find calculate SHOB and SHON based SOC, obtain a certificate operational planning for the download forms and planning models billboards , understand the law Urban preemption, the transfer building permit, the BIA the LME , get free advice by asking a question or use a professional to solve a problem of urban : visit our site . How

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PLU POS Planning and SHON SHOB

calcurler the GFA from SHOB? A greenhouse is she the GFA? and an indoor pool? Conselia helps individuals the professionals and communities understand the POS the PLU and their impact on obtaining the building permit , its validity , constitution the folder the times instruction permit and amending . To file an appeal against a permit or manage the case brought against yours, to determine the tax Planning (TLE , PVR , TAR), to know how to calculate the SHOB and SHON based SOC, obtain a planning certificate operational for download the forms Planning and models billboards , understanding emption Urban the transfer building permit, the BIA the LME , get free advice in asking a question or use a professional to solve a problem Planning : visit our site .

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What is a BIA? Can I take my farm land and at what price? What are my options? Conselia helps individuals the professionals and communities understand the POS the PLU and their impact on obtaining the building permit , its validity , constitution the folder the times instruction permit and amending . To file an appeal against a permit or manage the case brought against yours, to determine the tax Planning (TLE , PVR , TAR), to know how to calculate the SHOB and SHON based SOC, obtain a certificate operational planning for the download forms and planning models billboards , understanding emption Urban the transfer building permit, the BIA The LME , get free advice by asking a question or use a professional to solve a problem of urban : visit our site .

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PLU POS Planning Law preemption

What is the right of first refusal strengthened? Can I take my house? Should there avaoir justification for the exercise of this right? Conselia helps individuals the professionals and communities understand the POS the PLU and their impact on obtaining the building permit , its validity , constitution the folder the training times and amending license. To file an appeal against a permit or manage the case brought against yours, to determine the tax Planning (TLE , PVR , TAR), to calculate the knowledge and SHOB SHON based SOC, obtain a certificate operational planning for the download forms and planning models billboards , understanding emption Urban the transfer building permit , the BIA the LME , get free advice by asking a question or use a professional to solve a problem Planning : visit our site .

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POS PLU PLU Planning Who decides?

Who decides to review a POS to enter PLU? I have my say and how? Conselia helps individuals the professionals and communities understand the POS the PLU and their impact on obtaining the building permit , its validity , the constitution of record, the statement times and allowed Reform. To file an appeal against a permit or manage the case brought against yours, to determine the tax Planning (TLE , PVR , TAR), to calculate the knowledge and SHOB SHON based SOC, obtain a certificate operational planning for the download forms and planning models billboards , understanding emption Urban the transfer building permit, the BIA the LME , get free advice by asking a question or use a professional for solve a problem of urban : visit our site .

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

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Conference: Writing the body

submitted by J. Randall:

A conference will be held at the University of Paris XIII in November, entitled "writing the body". For details, see:

The twentieth century has developed a discourse on the body text and questioned the relation between body and text. But the scientific context of the early twenty-first century allows specific exploration body not as an object outside the text, but as one of its components. The body reads: how to spell it? how do we write? How the body takes it in direction and writing, he is the holder of markings (tattoos or scarification) or object and the object of a building, from the literature for example? A whole series of processes, in isolation or solidarity, a true formatting language, textual and semiotic body, a process we mean by the term corpographesis, which refers to both postural and gestural meanings that the constitution literary, pictorial, scenic or body of musical signifiers. Corpographesis means and the inscription of meaning onto the body as the inscription of the body as meaning.

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event calendar search Paris 8

A calendar manisfestations science and culture of the university is published every fortnight, available online from the home page of Paris 8.

This agenda is also sent automatically to all teachers and students of Paris 8 using their email address " To open an account, see the homepage of the website Paris 8 (, or directly at https: / / . php.

Calendar of events cultural and scientific 18 to 29 October:
October 18 - Exhibition Hall
Cultural Forum - organized by the ACA (service of cultural action and artistic)
more info here

Oct. 18 - A 013
third study day of the students of the Department Music
more info here

October 20 - ENSAD (Paris 5e)
The meeting as artistic practice - the first session of the lecture series organized by the Centre for New Media

info here October 21 - B 132
Festival Serendip - meeting and workshop organized by the association "Les Indisciplinary "
more info here

21 and October 22 - Paris 8, Paris 13
Savante Suburban 2010 as the lights in question" - organized by Plaine Commune, in partnership with the universities of Paris 8, Paris 13, CNRS and CNAM, as part of the Science Festival.
more info here

From 21 October to 5 November - Exhibition Hall
touch with her eyes / look with his hands - exhibition supported by the Jerome Bouquillon FSDIE Home Handicap and service.
more info here

October 21 - City of Science and Industry
animal cloning to the test Ethics - conference in the series "Campus Condorcet
more info here

October 23 - Paris-Sorbonne
" Medusa Sorbonne "Tribute to Helene Cixous - day organized by the University of Paris-Sorbonne and the University of Barcelona, with the support of the Center for Women's Studies and Gender Studies
more info here

October 26 - Exhibition Hall and Amphi X
Proof that yes! - Awareness Day (events and roundtables) proposed by the Reception Handicap
more info here

October 27 - A1 181 (Screening Room blue tropical night)
Independence creation, film screenings Light - The first session (1895), Georges Melies (1896-1908), Humorous Phases of Funny Faces by James Stuart Blackton (1906), Around a cabin of Emile Reynaud (1895), The future unveiled by the lines from the foot of Emile Cohl (1914) Charlie Chaplin begins and patina of Charles Chaplin (1915-16) in the first meeting of the Cine-Club in the proposed framework Master Value of film heritage. (Programming 2010-2011 on the theme "Independence / cinema)
more info here

October 27 - MSH Paris North
Questioning the Crisis and Prospects for Change - Symposium organized by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology), with support from the Laboratoire d'Economie Dionysian (LED)
more info here

October 28 - MSH Montpellier Videoconferencing at the MSH Paris Nord
Treatment phenomena of verbal abuse in school settings: Rituals, mediations, temporalities - 5th session of the seminar organized by the research group on verbal abuse
more info here

October 28 - INHA (Paris 2e)
Histoire (s) du cinéma by Jean-Luc Godard - study day organized by the Department of Cinema
more info here

Coming soon:
November 3 - A1 181 (Screening Room blue tropical night)
Independence embodiment showing movies Paris qui dort by René Clair (1923) and The Man the camera to Dziga Vertov (1929), 2nd meeting of the Cine-Club proposed in the Master Valuation of film heritage. (Programming 2010-2011 on the theme "Independence / cinema)
more info here

November 10 - A1 181 (Screening Room blue tropical night)
Personal independence and social screening of the film The Man Who Laughs Paul Leni (1928), 3rd meeting of the Ciné-club proposed under the Master Valuation of film heritage. (Programming 2010-2011 on the theme "Independence / cinema)
more info here

November 12 - Amphi D
The fight against illegal immigration by the European Union: What legality? - Symposium organized by the Laboratory Forces Law
more info here

November 12 - House of Communication Sciences (Paris 13e) The fact
different between information and fiction. A mirror of penal institutions and media - study day organized in the seminar of the research group JILC (Justice, Images, Languages, Cultures - EA 1569)
more info here

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Booker Prize 2010: Howard Jacobson

Man Booker Prize Winner 2010: Howard Jacobson, for historical novel The Finker Question - "a story about love, loss, male friendship and What It Means To Be Jewish today" (according to the summary made by a journalist).

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Study Day: The Africa, 50 years after independence

Friday, November 26, 2010, Paris 13 University, Room D300
Study Day CRIDAF: 1960-2010: Africa, 50 years after independence

The year 2010 marks the fiftieth anniversary of the independence many African countries. On this occasion, the Centre for Research on Intercultural Anglophone and Francophone areas (CRIDAF), University Paris 13, a study day devoted to Africa "interdependence."

Program: 9:30 Welcome

9:50 Opening: Rose-May Pham Dinh, University Paris 13 - 10am CRIDAF
Elikia M'Bokolo, Historian, Research Director, EHESS, "Pan-Africanism, debates and struggles for independence "
11h Alcinou Da Costa, Journalist, UNESCO:" Africa in the media: from Independence to the Present "
12 Lunch

14h Musanji Ngalasso-Mwathi, Sociolinguist and linguist, University Bordeaux 3: Africa-Europe: cultural dependency "
15h Melanie Torrent, Lecturer, English Studies, University Paris Diderot," Geopolitics: African countries in the Commonwealth "Break
4:30 p.m. Martial Ze Belinga, economist and sociologist, director of publishing Afrikara. com:" Economic Review and Outlook "
18h Closing session

Free admission but please register before November 17 2010 and whether you want lunch (21 euros). Contact: Olivette Otele: olivette.otele @
Coming to the University of Paris 13:

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Does Dvr Count Towards Ratings?

Bibliography on postcolonial: updating 2010

New Review of the bibliography on-line at origin in 2008.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


to know and dig, as well as the portal CAIRN : , "Center for Electronic Publishing open."

Project editorial:
Catalog of 262 online journals: Catalog
research notebooks: events, libraries, researchers, debates, master, methodology, research programs, journals, seminars, research facilities, land,
theses, watch, media: http://www.revues. org /? page = catalog & book = pubtype .

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Fat With Skinny Legs And Arms Language Diversity Seminar - 2010-2011 Beckett

Seminar diversity of languages and poetic history
The Text abroad (EA 1569, Université Paris 8 - resp. C. Joubert) and UMI
Transitions (CNRS / NYU - resp. E-Baneth Nouailhetas)

Programme 2009-2011: "The 'Postcolonial' compared : Anglophone, Francophone "

- Friday, October 22 2010, 9:30 to 12:30 - University Paris 8, Room D 301.
9:30 - Round Table" state work "on the threshold of the second year of the program: with Yves Abrioux, Jaine Chemmachery Dominique Combe (subject), Alice Goheneix, Sarah Heft (subject), Christine Lorre (subject), Natalia Palamarchuk and then general discussion.
11:15 - Emilienne Baneth-Nouailhetas "decenter the English" .
11:45 - Claire Joubert: "Model India, Caribbean style.

- Saturday, April 30 2011, 10h-18h - University Paris 8, Room D 143.
Seminar "The Caribbean: critical locus of the 'postcolonial'. Comparison of colonial legacies
Anglophone, Francophone, Hispanic, Dutch. Program specified later.

- September / October 2011 - University Paris 8.
Study Day "A Transnational: empires and disciplines, continued."
Expanding the comparison to other systems colonial / imperial and other university systems. Program specified later.

All sessions are open to all researchers and students.
Contact: Claire Joubert

Emilienne Baneth-Nouailhetas
Professor, Literature Français
Senior Researcher, CNRS, France
Director, UMI 3199 CNRS-
New York University (Center for International Research in the Humanities and Social Sciences)
Claire Joubert

Professor of English Literature Department of English Literary Studies
University Paris 8