Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Spinner Johnny G Comp

Conference: Writing the body

submitted by J. Randall:

A conference will be held at the University of Paris XIII in November, entitled "writing the body". For details, see: http://www.univ-paris13.fr/cenel/coll-pub2010.htm.

The twentieth century has developed a discourse on the body text and questioned the relation between body and text. But the scientific context of the early twenty-first century allows specific exploration body not as an object outside the text, but as one of its components. The body reads: how to spell it? how do we write? How the body takes it in direction and writing, he is the holder of markings (tattoos or scarification) or object and the object of a building, from the literature for example? A whole series of processes, in isolation or solidarity, a true formatting language, textual and semiotic body, a process we mean by the term corpographesis, which refers to both postural and gestural meanings that the constitution literary, pictorial, scenic or body of musical signifiers. Corpographesis means and the inscription of meaning onto the body as the inscription of the body as meaning.


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